Wolf Group supplies products with environmental declarations

Products in the Sustainable Construction category of Wolf Group’s flagship brand Penosil are now covered by environmental product declarations (EPDs). All construction foams and sealants, as well as some of the adhesives produced both under own brand and a private label, will also soon be covered by EPDs. 

With this, Wolf Group takes another step to contribute to the achievement of its environmental and sustainability goals and to improve the competitiveness of the company and its customers. For example, products covered by an EPD serve as input for applying for international eco-labels for buildings such as LEED, BREEAM and others.

Environmental declarations are a voluntary and standardised way to provide reliable, material, certified and comparable data on the environmental footprint of a product or product group based on life cycle analysis. The assessment is based on standard EN 15804. EPDs can be prepared in-house or commissioned from an appropriate institution. “As a member of FEICA, the Association of the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry, Wolf Group uses the FEICA standardised model to prepare EPDs,” explains Kuldar Kongo, Product Management Director at Wolf Group, adding further: “We take into account the composition of the product, including the level of hazardous components or volatile organic compounds.” EPDs based on the FEICA model are valid until 2027.

The European Commission has set an ambitious target to become a climate-neutral economy by 2050. To reach this target, a growing number of countries are planning to make environmental declarations mandatory. The Nordic countries – Norway, Sweden, Finland – are at the forefront in these endeavours, as well as France, for example.

Wolf Group received funding for the development of sustainable products from the European Regional Development Fund and Enterprise Estonia.

Support measure: Support for product development in companies affected by COVID-19 for the period 2019-2020