Our products and curing systems
We are dedicated to provide and maintain the highest quality standards of our products and services. Our success and reputation are based on our long-established tradition of innovation in the development of high-quality products for sealing, bonding and waterproofing.
We constantly work on development with producers of raw materials, universities and chemical industry associations around the world, exchanging experience and information as we go.

Gasket Foam
Gasket Foam is a one-component, ready to use polyurethane gun foam for sealing between drywall and lumber framing.
Key benefits:
- Improves airtightness of the construction
- Dense and flexible foam structure
- Stays elastic
- Very low diisocyanate monomer content
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Mega high yield summer gun foam
Mega high yield summer gun foam is a one-component, ready-to-use polyurethane gun foam with a very high yield. Suitable for various building applications, e.g. installation of window and door frames, sealing of joints and penetrations, thermal and acoustic insulating. Adheres well to most materials like wood, concrete, stone, plaster, metal, PVC and polystyrene.
Key benefits:
- very high yield
- low curing pressure, doesn`t bend window frames
- great adhesion and foam structure even in dry conditions
- wide application temperature range
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Low isocyanate monomer straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Low isocyanate monomer straw foam is a dense and flexible structured foam with low curing pressure and enhanced UV-resistance. Contains less than 0,1% free isocyanate monomers. Well suited for sealing of joints and cavities, insulation of penetrations, installation of window and door frames and sealing of thermal or acoustic insulation boards.
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Low isocyanate monomer gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Low isocyanate monomer gun foam is a dense and flexible structured foam with low curing pressure and enhanced UV-resistance. Contains less than 0,1% free isocyanate monomers. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of joints (even narrow and deep joints), insulation of penetrations and sealing of thermal or acoustic insulation boards.
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
STP straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
STP straw foam is a isocyanate free foam with extra low curing pressure and post expansion and enhanced UV-resistance. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
STP gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
STP gun foam is a isocyanate free foam with extra low curing pressure and post expansion and enhanced UV-resistance. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
B2 straw foam is a foam with good volume expansion, good gluing properties and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details, etc., and sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
B2 gun foam is a foam with low expansion and curing pressure and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B1 gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
B1 gun foam is a foam with low expansion and curing pressure, good yield and fire class B1, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for sealing of joints and penetrations when better reaction to fire properties are needed, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Fire rated straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Fire rated gun foam is a dense and strong structured foam with improved fire resistance properties. Well suited for installation of fire doors or windows, sealing of joints in walls with fire resistance requirements and sealing works in places with higher requirements for reaction to fire properties of building materials.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Fire rated gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Fire rated gun foam is a dense structured foam with low expansion and improved fire resistance properties. Well suited for installation of fire doors or windows, sealing of joints in walls with fire resistance requirements and sealing works in places with higher requirements for reaction to fire properties of building materials.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Gap filling straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Gap filling straw foam is a softer structured foam with very low curing pressure and post expansion that is more controlled. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations and sealing and connection of joints.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Gap filling gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Gap filling gun foam is a softer structured foam with very low curing pressure and post expansion that is more controlled. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations and sealing and connection of joints.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
2K straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
2K Straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with very quick curing time. Well suited for filling areas that are difficult to access or require mechanical strength, insulation of gaps and penetrations, insulation of vehicles, containers or equipment, gluing of window sills, single-point installation of doors and thermal insulation of cooling systems.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Standard straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Summer foams are a good choice when minimum application temperatures exceed +5 degrees Celsius.
Standard straw foam is a high expansion foam with good mechanical properties. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details etc., sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 winter gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Winter foams are designed to work excellently in cold temperatures and low humidity conditions.
B2 winter gun foam is a foam with nice structure, low expansion, good yield and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Mega high yield winter gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Winter foams are designed to work excellently in cold temperatures and low humidity conditions.
Mega high yield winter gun foam is a strong structured foam with extra high yield. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Winter gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Winter foams are designed to work excellently in cold temperatures and low humidity conditions.
Winter gun foam is a dense and strong structured foam with good yield. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Winter straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Winter foams are designed to work excellently in cold temperatures and low humidity conditions.
Winter straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with good gluing properties. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details, etc., as well as sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Fast-Curing Foam Adhesive
A single-component, ready-to-use polyurethane foam adhesive that cures rapidly. It is used for bonding different substrates in building and construction.
Key benefits:
- Cures rapidly
- Replaces a traditional adhesive
- Strong bond with different substrates
- For fixing boards and panels both indoors and outdoors
Field of application:
- Fixing of insulation boards on facades and foundations
- Fixing of interior design boards
- Fixing of windowsills
- Fixing of wooden, plaster and decorative panels
- Strengthening screw connections and reducing screw usage
See also the Adhesive Bonding Manual.
For further information, contact our sales team!
Subfloor Adhesive
A single-component, ready-to-use polyurethane foam adhesive that collapses to a gel after dispensing. It is used for subfloor bonding in building and construction.
Key benefits:
- PU foam adhesive that collapses to a gel after dispensing
- Replaces a traditional adhesive
- Saves application time
- For bonding of all common types of subfloor decking
See also the Adhesive Bonding Manual.
For further information, contact our sales team!
Stone adhesive gun foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
Stone adhesive gun foam is well suited for gluing construction blocks in non-load bearing interior walls.
Read also Adhesive bonding manual.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B1 EPS adhesive gun foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
B1 EPS adhesive gun foam has low post expansion and curing pressure, good yield and fire class B1, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for gluing EPS and also sealing of joints and penetrations when better reaction to fire properties are needed, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
Read also Adhesive bonding manual.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
2K straw foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
2K straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with very quick curing time. Well suited for gluing of window sills, single-point installation of doors, filling areas that are difficult to access or require mechanical strength, insulation of gaps and penetrations, insulation of vehicles, containers or equipment and thermal insulation of cooling systems.
Read also Adhesive bonding manual.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
EPS & construction adhesive straw foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
EPS & construction adhesive straw foam has excellent gluing properties, medium curing pressure and post expansion. Suitable for use all year around. Well suited for gluing of construction blocks, fixing of window sills, fixing of insulation boards on facades and foundations, fixing of interior design boards and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
Read also Adhesive bonding manual.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
EPS & construction adhesive gun foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
EPS & construction adhesive gun foam has excellent gluing properties, low curing pressure and low post expansion. Suitable for use all year around. Well suited for fixing of insulation boards on facades and foundations, fixing of interior design boards, fixing of window sills, gluing of construction blocks and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
Read also Adhesive bonding manual.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Desert Gun Foam
Desert Gun Foam is a one-component, ready to use polyurethane gunfoam especially developed for hot and dry climate. Suitable for various building applications, e.g. sealing of joints and penetrations, installation of window and door frames, thermal and acoustic insulating. Adheres well to most materials like wood, concrete, stone, plaster, metal, PVC and polystyrene.
Key benefits:
- perfect for hot and dry climate
- high yield
- low curing pressure, doesn`t bend window frames
- very wide application temperature range
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Elastic straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
All season foams work equally well in summer conditions as well as at mild minus degrees. Suitable for use all year around.
Elastic straw foam is a specialty foam with low expansion, enhanced movement capability and excellent airtightness properties. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, filling of pressure-sensitive or narrow and moving joints, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
EPS & construction adhesive gun foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
All season foam adhesives work equally well in summer conditions, as well as at mild minus degrees. Suitable for use all year around.
EPS & construction adhesive gun foam has excellent gluing properties, low curing pressure and low post expansion. Well suited for fixing of insulation boards on facades and foundations, fixing of interior design boards, fixing of window sills, gluing of construction blocks and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
Read more on Adhesive Bonding Manual
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Elastic gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
All season foams work equally well in summer conditions as well as at mild minus degrees. Suitable for use all year around.
Elastic gun foam is a specialty foam with low expansion and enhanced movement capability. Well suited for filling of pressure-sensitive or narrow and moving joints, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
All season straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
All season foams work equally well in summer conditions as well as at mild minus degrees. Suitable for use all year around.
All season straw foam is a strong structured foam with very good gluing properties. Well suited for gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details etc., filling of holes, insulation of penetrations and sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
All season gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
All season foams work equally well in summer conditions as well as at mild minus degrees. Suitable for use all year around.
All season gun foam is a nice structured universal foam. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Mega high yield summer gun foam
Mega high yield summer gun foam is a one-component, ready-to-use polyurethane gun foam with a very high yield. Suitable for various building applications, e.g. installation of window and door frames, sealing of joints and penetrations, thermal and acoustic insulating. Adheres well to most materials like wood, concrete, stone, plaster, metal, PVC and polystyrene.
Key benefits:
- very high yield
- low curing pressure, doesn`t bend window frames
- great adhesion and foam structure even in dry conditions
- wide application temperature range
For further information, please contact our sales team!
High yield gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
High yield foams have remarkably higher yield than regular foams. This allows doing more work with one foam can.
High yield gun foam is a nice structured foam for use in summer conditions. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
High yield all season gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
High yield foams have remarkably higher yield than regular foams. This allows doing more work with one foam can.
High yield all season gun foam is a nice structured foam for use all year around. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Mega high yield winter gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Mega high yield foams are our flagship formulas designed to give the maximum yield possible.
Mega high yield winter gun foam is a strong structured foam for cold temperatures and low humidity conditions. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Fire rated straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Fire rated foams are used for sealing works in constructions with fire resistance requirements, for example installation of fire doors or sealing of joints in fire walls.
Fire rated straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with improved fire resistance properties. Well suited for installation of fire doors or windows, sealing of joints in walls with fire resistance requirements and sealing works in places with higher requirements for reaction to fire properties of building materials.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Fire rated gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Fire rated foams are used for sealing works in constructions with fire resistance requirements, for example installation of fire doors or sealing of joints in fire walls.
Fire rated gun foam is a dense structured foam with low expansion and improved fire resistance properties. Well suited for installation of fire doors or windows, sealing of joints in walls with fire resistance requirements and sealing works in places with higher requirements for reaction to fire properties of building materials.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Gasket Foam
Gasket Foam is a one-component, ready to use polyurethane gun foam for sealing between drywall and lumber framing.
Key benefits:
- Improves airtightness of the construction
- Dense and flexible foam structure
- Stays elastic
- Very low diisocyanate monomer content
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Very low isocyanate sprayable foam
PU foams can be used for variety of construction works. This includes also thermal and sound insulation.
Very low isocyanate monomer sprayable foam contains less than 0,1% free isocyanate monomers, which makes it especially environment-friendly.
Very low isocyanate monomer sprayable foam is a one-component, ready to use polyurethane gun foam for insulation of buildings, vehicles, vessels and uneven surfaces. Well suited for insulation repair works and insulating hard to reach places as well as reducing the impact of cold bridges. It has a high thermal and acoustic insulation value and excellent adhesion to all commonly used building materials.
Application of the foam is very convenient and fast with the accompanying special patented nozzle.
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Low isocyanate monomer straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Low isocyanate foams contain less than 0,1% free isocyanate monomers, which makes them especially environment-friendly.
Low isocyanate monomer straw foam is a dense and flexible structured foam with low curing pressure and enhanced UV-resistance. Well suited for sealing of joints and cavities, insulation of penetrations, installation of window and door frames and sealing of thermal or acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Low isocyanate monomer gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Low isocyanate foams contain less than 0,1% free isocyanate monomers, which makes them especially environment-friendly.
Low isocyanate monomer gun foam is a dense and flexible structured foam with low curing pressure and enhanced UV-resistance. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of joints (even narrow and deep joints), insulation of penetrations and sealing of thermal or acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
STP straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
STP foams contain 0% of free isocyanate monomers, which makes them especially environment-friendly.
STP straw foam is a isocyanate free foam with extra low curing pressure and post expansion and enhanced UV-resistance. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
STP gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
STP foams contain 0% of free isocyanate monomers, which makes them especially environment-friendly.
STP gun foam is a isocyanate free foam with extra low curing pressure and post expansion and enhanced UV-resistance. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Elastic straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Low expansion foams have a more controlled post expansion and lower curing pressure. This helps to avoid deformation of building elements.
Elastic straw foam is a specialty foam with low expansion, enhanced movement capability and excellent airtightness properties. Can be used all year around. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, filling of pressure-sensitive or narrow and moving joints, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Low expansion winter gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Low expansion foams have a more controlled post expansion and lower curing pressure. This helps to avoid deformation of building elements.
Low expansion winter gun foam is a strong structured foam for use in cold temperatures. Well suited for filling of pressure-sensitive joints, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Low expansion all season gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Low expansion foams have a more controlled post expansion and lower curing pressure. This helps to avoid deformation of building elements.
Low expansion all season gun foam is a strong structured foam for use all year around. Well suited for filling of pressure-sensitive joints, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Elastic gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Low expansion foams have a more controlled post expansion and lower curing pressure. This helps to avoid deformation of building elements.
Elastic gun foam is a specialty foam with low expansion and enhanced movement capability. Can be used all year around. Well suited for filling of pressure-sensitive, narrow or moving joints, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Pest repellent straw foam
Pest repellent foam is a one-component, ready-to-use polyurethane straw foam which contains mouse- and pest-repellent additives.
The foam has good volume expansion for effective filling of holes and gaps. Its field of application also includes insulating penetrations and reducing the impact of thermal bridges Using a polyurethane foam provides airtight sealing. The foam adheres well to most materials like wood, concrete, stone, plaster, metal, PVC and polystyrene.
Key benefits:
- Stopping mice and pests from entering the house
- High yield
- High thermal and acoustic insulation value
- Airtight sealing
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Gap filling gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Due to their higher expansion filling foams are excellent for general filling works.
Gap filling gun foam is a softer structured foam with very low curing pressure and post expansion that is more controlled. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations and sealing and connection of joints.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Gap filling straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Due to their higher expansion filling foams are excellent for general filling works.
Gap filling straw foam is a softer structured foam with very low curing pressure and post expansion that is more controlled. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations and sealing and connection of joints.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
2K straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Due to their higher expansion filling foams are excellent for general filling works.
2K straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with very quick curing time. Well suited for filling areas that are difficult to access or require mechanical strength, insulation of gaps and penetrations, insulation of vehicles, containers or equipment, gluing of window sills, single-point installation of doors and thermal insulation of cooling systems.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Winter straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Due to their higher expansion filling foams are excellent for general filling works.
Winter straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with good gluing properties. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details, etc., and sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
All season straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Due to their higher expansion filling foams are excellent for general filling works.
All season straw foam is a strong structured foam with very good gluing properties. Suitable for use all year around. Well suited for gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details, etc., filling of holes, insulation of penetrations and sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Standard straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Due to their higher expansion filling foams are excellent for general filling works.
Standard straw foam is a summer foam with good mechanical properties. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details, etc., sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Elastic straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Elastic foams have specially developed better elastic recovery properties. Due to this they have better ability to endure movements within the construction.
Elastic straw foam is a specialty foam with low expansion, enhanced movement capability and excellent airtightness properties. Can be used all year around. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, filling of pressure-sensitive or narrow and moving joints, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Elastic gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Elastic foams have specially developed better elastic recovery properties. Due to this they have better ability to endure movements within the construction.
Elastic gun foam is a specialty foam with enhanced movement capability, low expansion and curing pressure. Can be used all year around. Well suited for filling of pressure-sensitive, narrow or moving joints, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 winter gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
Winter foams are designed to work excellently in cold temperatures and low humidity conditions.
B2 winter gun foam is a foam with nice structure, low expansion, good yield and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 elastic straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
B2 foams have reduced reaction to fire properties.
Elastic straw foam is a specialty foam with low expansion, enhanced movement capability, excellent airtightness properties and fire class B2 according to DIN 4102-1. Can be used all year around. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, filling of pressure-sensitive or narrow and moving joints, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 2K straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
B2 foams have reduced reaction to fire properties.
B2 2K straw foam is a dense and strong structured foam with very quick curing time and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for filling areas that are difficult to access or require mechanical strength, insulation of gaps and penetrations, insulation of vehicles, containers or equipment, gluing of window sills, single-point installation of doors and thermal insulation of cooling systems.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 EPS & construction adhesive gun foam
PU foam adhesives are specialty adhesives with a foamy structure. Foam adhesives have improved gluing properties to achieve even better adhesion with different materials.
B2 foam adhesives have reduced reaction to fire properties.
EPS & construction adhesive gun foam has excellent gluing properties, low curing pressure, low post expansion and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Suitable for use all year around. Well suited for fixing of insulation boards on facades and foundations, fixing of interior design boards, fixing of window sills, gluing of construction blocks and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 elastic gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
B2 foams have reduced reaction to fire properties.
B2 elastic gun foam is a specialty foam with enhanced movement capability, low expansion and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Can be used all year around. Well suited for filling of pressure-sensitive, narrow or moving joints, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, reducing the impact of thermal bridges and insulation of penetrations.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 straw foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to gun foams, straw foams usually have higher post expansion, which makes them effective products for filling works. Higher foam density also gives better gluing properties. As straw foams are usable with a straw applicator, there is no need to spend additional money on a foam gun. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
B2 foams have reduced reaction to fire properties.
B2 straw foam is a foam with good volume expansion, good gluing properties and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for filling of holes, insulation of penetrations, gluing window sills and sidings, plasterboard details etc. and sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B2 gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
B2 foams have reduced reaction to fire properties.
B2 gun foam is a foam with low expansion and curing pressure and fire class B2, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards, insulation of penetrations, sealing and connection of joints and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
B1 gun foam
PU foams can be used for variety of sealing jobs. This includes sealing of window and door perimeter joints, insulation of various penetrations, filling of holes and gaps and also for thermal and sound insulation, etc.
Compared to straw foams, gun foams have better foam structure and an overall high-quality work result. Due to lower foam density yield of gun foams is higher. Lower post expansion allows more precise dosing. All our foams have very good thermal and sound insulation properties.
B1 foams have reduced reaction to fire properties.
B1 gun foam is a foam with low expansion and curing pressure, good yield and fire class B1, according to DIN 4102-1. Well suited for sealing of joints and penetrations when better reaction to fire properties are needed, installation of window and door frames, sealing of thermal and acoustic insulation boards and reducing the impact of thermal bridges.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Very low isocyanate sprayable foam
PU foams can be used for variety of construction works. This includes also thermal and sound insulation.
Very low isocyanate monomer sprayable foam contains less than 0,1% free isocyanate monomers, which makes it especially environment-friendly.
Very low isocyanate monomer sprayable foam is a one-component, ready to use polyurethane gun foam for insulation of buildings, vehicles, vessels and uneven surfaces. Well suited for insulation repair works and insulating hard to reach places as well as reducing the impact of cold bridges. It has a high thermal and acoustic insulation value and excellent adhesion to all commonly used building materials.
Application of the foam is very convenient and fast with the accompanying special patented nozzle.
Read also Low- and No-MDI PU Foams Booklet.
For further information, please contact our sales team!
Sustainable Straw Foam
Sustainable Straw Foam is a one-component, ready-to-use polyurethane straw foam that contains over 50% of sustainable raw materials.
Over 80% of recycled plastic is used in the product package. The foam has good volume expansion for effective filling of holes and gaps. Very low curing pressure avoids deformation of building elements, making it suitable for sealing window and door joints. Its fields of application also include insulating penetrations and reducing the impact of thermal bridges Using a polyurethane foam provides airtight sealing. The foam adheres well to most materials like wood, concrete, stone, plaster, metal, PVC and polystyrene.
Key benefits:
- 50% of the ingredients are based on recycled and biobased materials
- More than 80% of the plastic content in the packaging is recycled
- Foam cap and straw made of 100% recycled plastic
- Bluemint steel foam can, with 67%, reduced CO2 production
- Produced with 100% green electricity
For further information, please contact our sales team!