Our values


Our strength lies in cooperation, loyalty and partnership. We do our best to make our employees, partners, clients, and users of our products to feel they belong to our wolf pack.

There is always a solution

Nature does not forgive errors. Good quality in everything is vital for us. The wolf is a survivor, there is always a solution, there is always the way out, never give up.

Hunt is our DNA

Wolf is a perfect hunter, a hunt is in our DNA. We hunt for survival, for gaining the strength and for growth of our wolfpack.

Sky is the limit

Successful hunt needs the courage and brightness – in open landscapes our feeding grounds can cover more than a thousand square kilometres.

It must be fun

Joy is an essential part in successful hunt. Wolf shares its prey with the pack and enjoys life.

We take good care

Wolf Group regards the environment that should be treated with respect.

The true wolf leaves a trace